As summer draws to a close and the air starts to turn crisp, Fairs across the country bring the summer season to close. There’s a certain feeling that just seems to surround “show season
A big part of my husband’s and my decision to come back to the farm was based on the way we wanted to raise our family. There really is no comparison to the values and lessons that this way of life...
Farmers are certainly the last of a dying breed. I’ve watched them fight through snowstorms, hurricanes, wildfires, and floods. I’ve known farmers who have worked through migraines, pneumonia,...
It is no secret that the politics in California are a joke. For decades, California’s politics have haunted the agricultural community, but over the past few years we have been able to watch its...
At the American Guernsey Association’s national convention held in June, outstanding cows and herds received awards for their achievements from the previous year
It’s becoming increasingly obvious to me that what we’re doing right now in the dairy industry isn’t working. If it were, family farms wouldn’t be selling out at such an alarming...