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Patti-Dad (2)
Dec. 22 2017
Earlier this month, I flew to Oregon to milk cows while my dad had surgery. I had instructions and milked with him from start to finish for three days prior to his departure
Dec. 21 2017
All the animals are clipped, the tack is loaded, and the show whites are packed. All of this only means one thing, it’s fair time!
Dec. 20 2017
My Christmas list is rather short this year . . . the only gift I’d really like is to spend time with my family
cow and calf
Dec. 19 2017
I have pulled many newborn calves since coming home from college. I am usually the go-to person when one of our employees sees a cow or heifer struggling to calve
Dec. 18 2017
It took my pal just one minute to call this past weekend to see if I could leave the farm to go horseback riding with him and his daughter
Dec. 15 2017
Cornell University’s Paul Virkler, D.V.M., presented the December webinar, “Troubleshooting mastitis and milk quality programs.” While we often focus on the people and cows involved in...
Christmas Minion
Dec. 14 2017
It has started to look a lot like Christmas at Hillcrest Farms. The weather has officially become what we consider pretty chilly here in Georgia
Dec. 13 2017
As a farmer, you put your heart and soul into what you do. You live, eat, and breathe the work you do. It is not a job but a lifestyle. It can bring you great joy one moment and heartache the next
Dec. 12 2017
We all have something that makes our farm unique, and we all have differing ways of accomplishing our goals as dairy farmers
Dec. 11 2017
I am a huge fan of chocolate milk. White milk is good too, of course, but if I have a choice, I am going to pick chocolate nearly every time
Dec. 8 2017
The Winter Olympics will be here in about two months. It seems the whole world takes a break from their regular activities to admire the talents of the best athletes in the world every two years (alternating...
Dec. 7 2017
Imagine you are driving down a country road and you see a farm off in the distance. It looks to be well cared for but as you approach the farm’s drive, there’s something wrong
Dec. 6 2017
I am blessed to be among the 97 percent of dairy farmers who get to work with their family every single day
Dec. 5 2017
Two surgeries. Two hospitalizations. Four different antibiotics. I’m still praying that this fourth antibiotic does what it’s supposed to
Dec. 4 2017
From a young age, I knew I wanted to study agriculture in college. During my youth, my involvement in dairy judging, showing cows, FFA, among other activities, lead to my decision to choose a college with...
Dec. 1 2017
Kefir, a dairy product, contains probiotics and is a versatile food ingredient
Nov. 30 2017
Every family farm should sit down annually and discuss each family member’s goals in business and their goals personally. Bring in an independent consultant if needed
Nov. 29 2017
We as an industry, not just dairy but all of agriculture, need to start standing up for each other in unison
Nov. 28 2017
It’s easy to let a down year or sad events drag us down, but the power of thankfulness is the reality of realizing where our priorities really lie
Nov. 27 2017
Udder Milk, a New Jersey home delivery company, broke state law according to the New Jersey Department of Health. A cease and desist order