Determining the breed composition of the U.S. dairy herd is somewhat of an inexact science because not all herds are enrolled in an official testing plan. Even among cows enrolled in a testing plan, the...
The latest Hoard's Dairyman Bull List is a sure sign that breeders and dairy producers across the U.S. have bought into the science of genomics. As you may recall, we can learn 60 to 70 percent of the...
Paris, a 16-year-old Brown Swiss, has set a new record for lifetime pounds of protein and fat produced by a cow in the United States. There is a lot of black and white at Henry Dairy Farms, but a quick...
The 2014 meetings of the American Jersey Cattle Association and National All-Jersey Inc., took place in Alexandria, Va., just miles away from the nation's capitol
Life does truly go full circle. Last Wednesday, I had the opportunity to be on the speaking docket with Scott Armbrust, D.V.M., at the Livestock Genetics Export Seminar in Madison, Wis
Before there were digital cameras and Photoshop software, print film and negatives dominated the world of cattle photography. That left less margin for error when taking cows photos. In addition to being...
Sooner or later, every dairy cow leaves her herd for some reason. But how long she stays seems to depend a lot on what breed she is. In the 2012 National Dairy Herd Information Association data compiled...
Most of us grew up being taught that there was one gene and two alleles involved in the coat color of our Holsteins . . . with the black allele being dominant over the recessive red allele
Bob Miller and Frank Regan are among the most respected people among dairy cattle breeders. Both purchased franchise cows early in their careers, transformed the Holstein breed and became household names...
The needs of commercial dairy producers, milk utilization and consumer preferences play major roles in the color of our national herd. by Calvin Covington The author is a retired breed association executive...
Members uphold the Holstein Association USA motto of working to be the best. There was cause for celebration as many made it to the winners' circle at the 2013 National Junior Holstein Convention in Indianapolis,...
Holstein youth are testing their knowledge and being recognized for their achievements at the 2013 National Holstein Convention. For Holstein youth, this week truly is "the race to the finish line" at...
"I am not prepared to accept the fact that feet and leg heritabilities are as low as they currently appear. We need to evaluate the trait better," Gordon Atkins, D.V.M., told those attending the 122nd...
According to data just released by the American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA), the number of Jerseys on Dairy Herd Information(DHI) test in 2012 rose for the ninth straight year and their actual average...
Four Guernseys in the Hoard's Dairyman Herd are Class Production Leaders The Hoard's Dairyman Farm in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, is home to a number of new class leaders in 2012. Dairyman Neon Zest, D-77,...
Holstein Association USA classifier Willis Gunst recently attended a twilight meeting in Wisconsin to share the new classification changes with Holstein breeders and to answer questions they have on the...
Sire summaries are calculated by the United States Department of Agriculture three times each year in April, August and December. Hoard's Dairyman compiled the August data on the seven dairy breeds and...
The 2011 Guernsey Component Queens were compiled from all 305-day DHI and DHIR lactation records received and made official by the American Guernsey Association. To be considered official for production...
When Hoard's Dairyman commissioned artist Bonnie Mohr, Glencoe, Minn., to create a new edition to its Foster Mothers of the Human Race paintings, the result was astounding
Last week at the National Holstein Convention in Springfield, Mo., junior members gathered for the youth forum to hear the state of the association address by JAC Chairman Derek Wasson and to select three...