Packaging, labelling, and shelf displays help them make their decisions on what to purchase. A well-stocked, well-organized display gives the impression of choice and quality, while a sparse or unorganized...
A dispute panel agreed with the claim brought forth by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) that Canada breached its obligations regarding dairy imports
Brewers grains and distillers grains are two examples of waste products humans would need to dispose of that cows can transform into nutrient-dense milk and meat
Just as facilities with the right dimensions and amenities encourage cow comfort and production, an environment that limits a cow’s natural abilities can create problems
The dairy market disruptions from COVID-19 through 2020 and into 2021 exposed flaws in the foundation of U.S. dairy policy and milk pricing. Numerous discussions have been had over negative producer
Automatic milking systems (AMS) have taken off for the same reason many technologies do — they save labor. A repetitive task like milking is a good job for robots
Without naming names, you can probably think of a sports team that’s been down on its luck recently (or longer). Fans or the media may give them a bit of a break
One bright spot in a year marked by uncertainty and challenges for U.S. dairy is exports. Even with disrupted supply chains and a continued global pandemic, American dairy exports are on track
I do not think it is ironic that the first Christmas celebrated was surrounded by animals. That is a perfect picture of peace to ponder. What a gift this is, to live on a farm
This season of gift giving is a blessing for those with the knack of finding the right present for everyone. They may have “gift giving” as their love language and feel rewarded by finding...