The Midwest Dairy Food Research Center (MDFRC) is one of six centers across the country that focuses on dairy research. Powered by researchers and the universities that back them
The evolution of dairy genetics has included many turns along the way. One of the more notable pivots involves the introduction of Net Merit (NM$) in 1994
The border relationship between the United States and Canada is generally a healthy one, but it’s become more obvious, particularly in the last year, that dairy is a contentious trade issue
The natural instinct of a dairy farmer is to prioritize the cows. Commonly, cows are the first to eat, first to receive fresh bedding, and even the first to get a pedicure in the form of a hoof trim
Farmers tend to be most enthusiastic and tell our best anecdotes to fellow farmers; however, paring down stories or biting our tongue on details about our farm can be a true disservice to the consumer...
University of Illinois’ Jim Drackley discussed colostrum and transfer of passive immunity during the Four State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference
Are pickup trucks becoming too big? That’s the question posed in, “The Hidden Danger of Big Trucks,” by Keith Barry in the July 2021 edition of Consumer Reports
White noise is useful for some businesses. They have a consistent hum running through the offices to keep employees focused on their work and to give them a bit of privacy in an open office setting
Animal activists are once again using legislation in an attempt to push their agenda, and this time it’s gaining broader attention as it aims to criminalize such common and necessary livestock practices...
Inflammation is often associated with the symptoms of swelling, pain, redness, and fever. These signs are frequently caused by an infection or tissue damage
Each spring, Lakeshore Technical College typically holds a graduation banquet in northeast Wisconsin for its graduating dairy students, but the past few years have not been typical
As markets and the dairy industry as a whole continues to change, many dairy producers have investigated value-added processing as an opportunity for their operations
Global efforts to reduce atmospheric carbon and slow rising temperatures through government, customer, and consumer intervention are putting the squeeze on carbon emissions from all sectors – including...
“Beef production from Holstein steers has been a natural by-product or co-product of milk production,” said University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Dan Schaefer during the May Hoard’s...
In my current position as a veterinarian working for a dairy cooperative, I often get questions from the general public during farm tours or through social media and our consumer hotline