After being vaccinated, have you ever felt feverish and tired? Have you sprained your ankle and experienced swelling, or was your ankle even warm to the touch?
With tight labor markets and constantly improving technology, there has been an exponential adoption of automated milking systems (AMS) throughout North America
Dairy farming has made great strides in efficiency and reducing its environmental impact. Between 1944 and 2007, the carbon footprint for a gallon of milk has been reduced by two-thirds
The Class I Mover calculation has been an ongoing discussion for dairy industry stakeholders. Any time the formula is changed there will be winners and losers
Converting feed cost to milk income is the most basic description of my job as a nutritionist. It is really no different than an auto manufacturing plant that buys various pieces of metal, plastic
There’s never a great time to have business costs of just about every kind rising, but if pandemic recovery, record inflation, and a war were going to force prices for farm inputs up
Feed costs — Ten opportunities for savingspresented by: Mike Hutjens, University of Illinoissponsored by: Kuhn Feed represents over 50% of total milk production costs. With higher fertili
A cliché is an overused word or phrase that can deviate from or even betray the word’s intended meaning. In some cases, clichés are used so frequently that they become unnoticeable...
This country, Israel, has led the world in annual per cow production since the 1990s. Today, the 115,000 cows in the national herd produce 26,288 pounds of milk, 1,010 pounds of fat, and 880 pounds of...
“My leadership is grounded in two fundamental principles. One is all about listening. The second is a bias for action,” shared Barbara O’Brien, who is the new president and CEO of DMI
With the ongoing war in Ukraine upending markets and the lingering COVID-19 pandemic continuing to affect daily life, additional concerns could seem overwhelming to anyone
How many “We’re hiring” signs have you seen this week? It may seem like every business is putting out a plea for employees even as unemployment levels continue to drop
Getting calves off to a good start includes a nutritional program that encourages weight gain at a young age. “I want calves gaining weight by the second week of life,” said Bob James
Many of us find ourselves eating out more in recent years than we did a decade ago, and certainly more than a generation ago. In many regions, there has been a proliferation of eating options
We use colored clothespins to mark the cows that need attention when they are in the headlocks. This makes it quick and easy to spot the cows we need from the front and the back