In New Zealand, nobody owns water. You do not have rights over any water; all waterways that are of any significance are public property except that owned by the Maori (natives). All waterways in New Zealand...
This would be an excellent idea, as outlined in "Number of digesters to triple by 2025." However, to make it work, those who want to reach the digester goal would be well served to talk with the 244 people...
milk in a parallel parlor so, yes, I agree tails are a pain . . . however, they do not have to be docked as suggested in "Reader Response: Docked tails make milking easier."
We all know that a Google search about GMOs and glyphosates will turn up an overwhelming number of negative websites as mentioned in the Hoard's Dairyman Intel, "Could glyphosate cause cancer?" These negative...
We must tell our story. Isn't it fact that dairy recycles so many human waste by-products in what we feed our cattle? For example, vegetable culls or brewers grains
Clearly, neither speaker cited in the March 16, 2015, Intel "Rethinking tail docking" nor the March 9, 2015, Intel "Rethinking animal welfare starts with tails" have ever milked cows in a parallel or carousel-type...
I am a dairy consultant, and just last Monday I was having a discussion with the dairy owner about employees having their cellphones with them when the Hoard's Dairyman Intel "Does your dairy prohibit...
There is no question that local anesthetics for dehorning are part of animal welfare. I learned that in the 1970s at vet school, and not only because it reduced pain for the cow, but it also made it a...
The information provided on DHIA culling in last week's Hoard's Dairyman Intel article, "Low production tops the culling list," actually comes from a report released by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding....
Regarding the California FMMO piece, don't forget that the USDA is by no means obliged to give California the order language proposed by the three cooperatives. The Agricultural Marketing Agreements Act...
"California voters have egg on their faces," in the February 2, 2015, Hoard's Dairyman Intel, generated a great deal of interest. What follows are readers' comments on the item. - The Editors Most of the...
I have wondered the same thing mentioned in the February 2, 2015, Hoard's Dairyman Intel item "Reader Response: Is organic sustainable?" I have tried the organic thing on a small, 10-acre piece of land...
We hear a great deal of discussion about sustainability. Just what that means is like asking, "What is grass-fed beef?" The true definition should be evaluated from two points of view. One, producer sustainability...
As a Holstein steer gets bigger, its ADG (average daily gain) and feed efficiency go down. However, they left out the facts that, with a proper implant and high energy, no forage feeding program, you can...
I am a New Zealander and I have just read the article on the global milk glut affecting New Zealand. The writer is correct, the reduction in global demand and subsequent increase in supply is really hurting...
This reader response references the following Hoard's Dairyman Intel item, "Dairy insurance has outpaced crop insurance." Sign-up in Wisconsin is slower, as it probably should be. Also, consider why LGM-D...
Reader Response: Some say "no" to MPP-Dairy This letter is in response to the "Be the ant, not the grasshopper" article in last week's Hoard's Dairyman Intel email: Could it be today's grasshopper can...
A reader response to Hoard's Dairyman Intel item, "Did sexist ads botch Coke's Fairlife launch?" Is it really surprising that the campaign failed? If this was geared toward women, what can you say? No...