Westby FFA wins Central National FFA Dairy Judging Contest. FFA members swarmed the World Dairy Expo grounds on Tuesday, September 30. Many were competing in judging contests, while others were enjoying...
Expo seminar said the key to answering the hard questions is showing you care. by Maggie Seiler, Editorial Intern Answering the onslaught of consumer concerns is a very real challenge facing dairy producers...
Safe, top quality milk is the goal of World Dairy Expo. With over 3,000 head of cattle entered in the 2014 World Dairy Expo, the milking parlor will be a busy place this week for both cows and exhibitors....
There is no dress rehearsal for World Dairy Expo this year. The first event ever held in the recently constructed New Holland Pavilion at the Alliant Energy Center is the "greatest dairy show on earth."...
Annually the city hosts 190-plus 4-H Dairy Conference delegates from across the nation, as they delve into the industry's history. For many years it has been the pleasure of the Hoard's Dairyman staff...
Farm milk prices in the U.S. have somehow and so far managed to defy the gravitational pull of rising production and falling international dairy product prices. But not in Europe, where changes in global...
New Mexico boasts the largest average herd size in the nation (2,307 cows per farm in 2013), so dairy is no stranger to the state. However, a smaller number of large farms means that traditional "farm...
There are no coincidences when animal activists are involved. A reminder of that came again this week when the undercover video circus moved to Albuquerque, N.M., looking more neatly scripted than ever
Cole Leonard from Virginia FFA topped the Junior Dairy Management Contest, taking home the $1000 scholarship. The contest encompasses judging, linear scoring, feed identification, business and finance...
On the Saturday of World Dairy Expo, the theme for the following year's event is announced. As 2013's "Center of the Dairy Universe" drew to a close, the artwork for "Designer Dairy" was unveiled
When times are tough, the ag family is one of the most supportive around. **Update on Reece and Hans: Hans had a successful second stem-cell transplant and is back home. He is doing well and is working...
Growing up, I never had the most "stylish" animal in the show ring. When selecting bulls with my dad, I was always drawn to the production-focused columns before moving on to stature and type. The reason...
A television show traces actor's ancestry. On a spring day in late May, the phone rang at my family's dairy. A television show wanted to film at our location, as someone famous had relatives that previously...
There are just six more weeks until the start of World Dairy Expo, and many eyes are curiously watching the progress of the new pavilions at the Alliant Energy Center
Fifty years after its formation, the Red and White Dairy Cattle Association (RWDCA) returned to its roots by hosting its 2014 national convention in Elkhorn, Wis
Sometime in the next two weeks or so – the deadline is September 1 – the U.S. Department of Agriculture will issue final details about how the 2014 Farm Bill's voluntary Dairy Margin Protection...
Since the early 2000s, automated heat detection has played an important role in reducing breeding and associated labor costs by eliminating the need for reproductive synchronization protocols
Water quality is paramount to cow health. "My cows are dying. What is going on?" sobbed the 65-year-old dairy producer as his cracked hands cradled his cheeks and covered his swollen eyes. "They calve,...
I am now more than two months into my internship with Hoard's Dairyman. It is pretty incredible to realize how fast it has gone and how much I have learned