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Oct. 29 2021
University of Minnesota-Maroon won the Top Overall Team award at the Vernon County Dairy Cattle Judging Contest held Sunday, September 19 during the Vernon County Fair, Viroqua, Wisconsin
Oct. 28 2021
Tillable, Inc. and Compeer Financial have partnered to launch an online loan application, enabling anyone to purchase or refinance farmland directly from a smartphone. Included is land for dairy
Oct. 28 2021
The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman. A global leader in food safety
Southeast Milk
Oct. 28 2021
In a powerful move, Southeast Milk, Inc. (SMI) acquired Team Dairy Inc., Southeast Ag Services, and Shamrock Animal Health Services
Oct. 28 2021
“It's time for the dairy industry to take action,” emphasized Gerard Cramer, D.V.M., of the University of Minnesota
Oct. 28 2021
It seems everyone in the United States is having supply chain issues right now. Some have faced worse challenges than others
Oct. 26 2021
The Foremost Farms USA Board of Directors has established a new committee to provide oversight of the cooperative’s sustainability and environmental stewardship strategies
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Oct. 26 2021
Working with Mother Nature offers beauty as well as the challenges
Oct. 25 2021
California is taking bold actions that mean more students will have access to milk and dairy foods. Governor Newsom’s recent climate package expands the state’s Farm to School program
Oct. 25 2021
No dairy farmer wants lame cows in their barn. No consumer wants to see cows struggling with lameness, either. Both of those concerns are at the center of the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding’s
Oct. 25 2021
Bovine leukemia virus, commonly known as BLV, lurks in dairy herds around the world. Surveys indicate an estimated 45% to 50% of cows in the U.S. are infected, and 94% of the nation’s dairy herds
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Oct. 25 2021
Sometimes it takes just one experience or one event to spark a young person’s interest in agriculture
WI Women
Oct. 22 2021
Citing the growing influence of women owning and managing land in Wisconsin, a coalition of agriculture and conservation organizations has announced the launch of a Wisconsin Women in Conservation Educator...
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Oct. 21 2021
These apps can help your dairy run more smoothly
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Oct. 20 2021
Being a farmer is just one part of our identities
Oct. 15 2021
As dairy farmers, no matter how long we have been in this career, there are always mistakes we can learn from
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Oct. 14 2021
Perusing my grandparents’ 1960s farm journals tells the story of farming in a different time and details our family’s history
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Oct. 12 2021
A new perspective can be one of gratitude
Dr Barnes
Oct. 11 2021
Virginia Tech’s Michael Barnes passes away after a life of supporting young people
Oct. 11 2021
Evidence continues to mount in favor of folks who eat more dairy fats. The latest research comes from a study involving 4,150 60-year-old Swedish citizens