It's vital to getting cows bred back on time. How we feed and manage cows during the transition period can minimize illnesses, set them up to get bred back, and boost milk production throughout lactation
Make sure that you have high-quality colostrum in stock. The excitement that a newborn calf brings can be one of the best feelings in the world. Unfortunately, the disappointment you feel when you discover...
Managers of all levels on dairy farms have a tough job. They juggle many schedules and a demanding workload that never takes a day off. Maybe more difficult is dealing with employee disagreement
A survey of Iowa dairy farmers revealed their efforts to enhance fresh cow care. The transition period is fittingly named, as a dairy cow goes through a flood of transitions the 60 days precalving to 30...
Internships, like the Hoard's Dairyman editorial internship, let college students "try on" a job before graduation and entering the real world. A new school year has just begun, but it's not too early...
We can help reduce animal stress when milking by maintaining a calm environment. Amidst the humming of fans and the constant rhythm of the milking machines, I tend to do some of my best thinking while...
Passion is the main driver that shines through all the hard work and stress dairy farming can bring. Today's dairy farmers don't fit into one mold; they come in all shapes and ages, with varying levels...
Let mortality be a reminder to live and love fully. At the urging of a good friend, I started listening to podcasts while traveling. If you're looking for a way to make your next road trip thought-provoking...
Important nutrients and immune building molecules are all components of a calf's first meal, but that colostrum may also be a vehicle for some unwanted guests. Are bacteria derailing your carefully crafted...
Hoard's Dairyman compiles details on dairy colleges. School is about to start or has already begun for a few. It's a new school year with new teachers, and maybe even a different school. For high school...
Steps can be taken to measure the impact of soil compaction and, more importantly, avoid it in the first place. Bigger tractors and heavier machinery allow crop growers to cover more ground in a shorter...
Grocery stores, restaurants, and schools/work places were all popular locations for weekly food purchases. Dairy is what they have in common. Domestic dairy sales are an important part of dairy's business,...
The Guernseys on the Hoard's Dairyman Farm have proven once again that they can compete with the best Guernsey herds in the nation. Each year, the American Guernsey Association recognizes the top
The Hoard's Dairyman Farm earned national recognition from the American Guernsey Association. The Guernseys on the Hoard's Dairyman Farm have proven once again that they can compete with the best Guernsey...
Social media should not replace face-to-face advocacy. Almost every co-op meeting, checkoff organization conference, or dairy industry event includes a speaker or breakout session about telling our story,...
These consumers got a chance to learn a little bit about dairy cows. So many times, the dairy industry discusses how we can better reach the general public with the story of milk. I would suggest one easy...
Research shows intense long and short-term effects result from skimping on feed for this group. Sometimes reality is harsh, and that can be the case when dealing with transition cows. Managing this group...
As summer comes to a close, so does the end of an internship. Just like every good book, the story must come to an end. My story was only 12 chapters long, one for each week during my internship here at...
Members of the Hoard's Dairyman staff spent a day on farms to stay in touch with the magazine's roots. By The Hoard's Dairyman editorial team has a long standing tradition of being actively involved in...