The author and her family own and operate a 130-cow dairy and crop 1,500 acres. She also is a former associate editor at Hoard’s Dairyman.

Feb. 23 2018
The annual cow judging contest has commenced. Have your entries in by Thursday, March 22, 2018
Feb. 19 2018
“We have always used a ‘waterfall’ approach to grouping on the dairy,” shared Marc Etchebarne, nutritionist at Hillrose Dairy
Feb. 12 2018
“The most influential factor in our calf and heifer program that sets up future milk production is a very thorough and strict vaccination protocol,” said Jim Herron
Feb. 5 2018
“In our breeding program, we try to maximize the potential of every mating,” explained Curtis Nolan
Jan. 29 2018
In the past several years, selective dry cow treatment has gained some prevalence in the industry as an alternative to the more common blanket dry cow treatment, which has been the gold standard for mastitis...
Jan. 29 2018
Flavor is the top driver of yogurt purchases, but health benefit is a close second
Jan. 22 2018
In comparison to gen-Xers, baby boomers, and traditionalists, the millennial generation that spans those born between 1981 and the mid-2000s are spending less on dairy
Jan. 15 2018
Humor is one of the best ways we can share our story
Jan. 15 2018
In the past month, news has come out that vitamin A and E shortages will ring in 2018 as vitamin production was interrupted in late 2017
Jan. 8 2018
For many years, organic milk has been the belle of the dairy case as consumers have flocked toward organic options
Jan. 1 2018
Researchers have known for years that food is an important part of both physical and mental health
Dec. 26 2017
“Our assets are our livelihood on the farm, and we take that very seriously,” shared Adon Farms’ Nick Gilbert
Dec. 26 2017
There is nothing more intimidating to me in a kitchen than a pile of dirty dishes. The larger it grows the less I want to deal with it
Dec. 18 2017
“We were quite thankful to have protection when we had our two barn fires in 2001 and 2014,” shared Dan Natzke of Wayside Dairy in Greenleaf, Wis
Dec. 11 2017
When it comes to consumer concern over animal welfare, it appears that people fall into three areas of thought
Dec. 4 2017
2017 Census of Agriculture mailings are arriving this month.
Nov. 27 2017
“What’s the reward-risk?” opened Tom Overton in his presentation on adoption of new technology at the recent Cornell Nutrition Conference
Nov. 27 2017
Udder Milk, a New Jersey home delivery company, broke state law according to the New Jersey Department of Health. A cease and desist order
Nov. 20 2017
Conventional thought for many years was that feeding supplemental fat and fresh cows don’t mix. Early studies showed supplemental fats often reduced feed intake in fresh cows
Nov. 13 2017
It’s not that the rates of lactose intolerance have skyrocketed in the last decade, causing thousands of people to flock to nut beverages