The author and her family own and operate a 130-cow dairy and crop 1,500 acres. She also is a former associate editor at Hoard’s Dairyman.

Nov. 6 2017
It has long been understood that cows are creatures of habit and, for the most part, they follow a strict time budget. Three to 5 hours are dedicated to the feedbunk, 10 to 13 are for lying down
Oct. 30 2017
The environmental benefits of electronic feeding versus traditional tractor and wagon feed delivery has caught the attention of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
Oct. 30 2017
Understanding consumer demands and meeting them remain a challenge
Oct. 23 2017
Immunity is the next frontier in improving reproduction
Oct. 16 2017
Dairy farmers have more bacteria in their nose and mouth, potentially correlated with better disease resistance
Oct. 9 2017
In the world of dairy nutrition, there are so many contributing factors to well-made diets . . . especially when it comes to fiber
Oct. 9 2017
World Dairy Expo featured so many opportunities to capture the minds and imaginations of dairy enthusiasts from across the country.
Oct. 7 2017
It was the 6-year-old, Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET, that claimed the Grand Champion Holstein title
Oct. 7 2017
For those of us with birthdays during the first week of October, it’s a special treat to celebrate with all our friends at Expo
Oct. 6 2017
Hoard's Dairyman talked with Renee Smith of My Dairy Dashboard at World Dairy Expo about this new tool that assists dairy producers by pooling all their data into one platform
Oct. 4 2017
Last year at the International Ayrshire Show, Palmyra Berkely P Ruth-ET’s day ended with Intermediate champion
Oct. 3 2017
They come from all across the country, but they find common ground in dairy
Oct. 3 2017
With an average score of 47.2 points on the day, Crothers topped the contest and paced the high team
Sept. 25 2017
“Age at calving and herd replacement rates are the largest factors influencing heifer costs,” shared Jud Heinrichs, Penn State extension specialist. “This affects the numbers of heifers...
Sept. 18 2017
For dairy producers in the northern United States, corn chopping season is nearing or has already arrived, and along with it, the difficult task of getting it cut at just the right dry matter
Sept. 11 2017
From 4-H motto to life philosophy, these words have become more than just words for me
Sept. 11 2017
FTC suggests consent order on NAAB handling of genomic testing. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a consent order surrounding the restriction of competition related to genomic testing. This...
Sept. 4 2017
Conversations with even just a few dairy farmers from across the country quickly identify data management as one of the largest on-farm issues
Aug. 28 2017
Because of their size and age, young calves, just like young children, tend to be primed for infection and can be easily overtaken by disease
Aug. 21 2017
Lying time and activity have gained popularity in the industry as measures of health and welfare