The author and her family own and operate a 130-cow dairy and crop 1,500 acres. She also is a former associate editor at Hoard’s Dairyman.

Aug. 14 2017
The uptick in alternative forages in dairy cattle diets across the country has drawn many researchers to the question of what nutritional profile do they offer when included in rations
Aug. 7 2017
Mother Nature’s been no friend to dairy producers trying to make forages in the northern part of the United States this year
July 31 2017
The perfect combination of milk residue, the right pH, and temperature spell trouble for even the toughest calves
July 24 2017
Lying time is one of the most essential activities of a dairy cow’s day and directly impacts health, welfare, and production
July 21 2017
Everybody loves a good road trip, and the Hoard’s Dairyman and Hay & Forage Grower editorial staffs are no different
July 17 2017
“If a farmer has an attitude of being responsible for mastitis on the farm, there was a lower bulk tank somatic cell count (SCC),” explained the University of Tennessee’s Peter Krawczel
July 10 2017
Over the course of the last few decades, dairies have waged war on mastitis pathogens and by some gauges have been hugely successful. Particularly when bulk tank somatic cell counts are evaluated
July 3 2017
For dairy farmer Jason Troyer, of RJT Dairy Farm in Centerville, Pa., the transition to the use of an automated milking system in 2015 was just a step in the robotic milking journey
June 26 2017
Set protocols for people as well as herd management
June 26 2017
In March 2017, a lawsuit filed against the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation claimed that a herd of 200 cows produced the same amount of waste as a city of 96,000 people
June 19 2017
“There’s a learning curve in adapting our management to the technology,” shared the University of Kentucky’s Joey Clark. He serves as the university’s dairy farm manager
June 12 2017
“We still have a lot to learn, but I don’t think there can ever be too much data,” commented Chaney’s Dairy Farm’s Dore Baker at the recent Precision Dairy Conference in Lexington,...
June 5 2017
When discussing calf raising, most every dairy farmer will tell you good colostrum is essential to calf health
June 5 2017
Combining technologies can boost the overall success of monitoring mastitis events, shared the University of Kentucky’s Jeff Bewley at the recent Precision Dairy Conference in Lexington, Ky
May 29 2017
Although nutritionists have a good feel for where many of the ingredients fit into a healthy dairy ration, USDA’s Mary Beth Hall said we still have much to learn when it comes to sugar in rations
May 22 2017
“The feeding strategy will vary depending on producer goals, so a whole system approach is important,” shared Marcia Endres during a recent presentation at the Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference
May 22 2017
As the old pop song goes, “You’ve got to know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away and know when to run.”
May 15 2017
When it comes to making purchasing decisions, consumers can be difficult to gauge, and traditionally, they vote with their wallets. That makes labels a vital piece of the purchasing decision
May 15 2017
“The opportunity for higher daily liquid feeding rates, smaller meal sizes, and getting back to what’s more normal biology for the calf,”
May 8 2017
World Dairy Expo lost one of its founding members this past weekend