Perhaps you have followed along the last decade by reading my Hoard's Dairyman column, "Around the Kitchen Table," where I share stories of growing up on my family’s dairy farm and the lessons learned
“Dry cows are kept in freestall barns and put into separate groups, far-off and close-up,” said Brent Wilson of Wilson Centennial Farms near Carson City, Mich
In 2019, nearly 11 billion pounds of fluid milk, 683 million pounds of cheese, and 662 million pounds of yogurt and other dairy foods moved through federal food assistance programs
The new year always feels like a refreshed time. Even though it is just one day different, somehow, flipping to the new year on the calendar makes it a fresh start
With the official release of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 last week, federal nutrition standards have been set for the next five years
Volatility is nothing new to the dairy industry. We have adapted as consumer trends have shifted, as dairy production models have evolved, and with the ebb and flow of global markets
When Jacki Moegenburg was a junior at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, she worked with one of her professors to put together a business plan for an agritourism venture on her family’s dairy...
While there is a good amount of turnover in leadership of the agriculture committees in Congress, the agriculture industry as a whole also has its attention focused on a critically important appointment...