California is taking bold actions that mean more students will have access to milk and dairy foods. Governor Newsom’s recent climate package expands the state’s Farm to School program
No dairy farmer wants lame cows in their barn. No consumer wants to see cows struggling with lameness, either. Both of those concerns are at the center of the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding’s
Bovine leukemia virus, commonly known as BLV, lurks in dairy herds around the world. Surveys indicate an estimated 45% to 50% of cows in the U.S. are infected, and 94% of the nation’s dairy herds
Evidence continues to mount in favor of folks who eat more dairy fats. The latest research comes from a study involving 4,150 60-year-old Swedish citizens
A few weeks ago, I didn’t feel all that well and broke with a digestive upset. This happens from time to time unfortunately, and most of you understand the discomfort
Hoard's Dairyman talked with Darren Van Buuren of Agri-Plastics Group Companies at World Dairy Expo about their business and the solutions they offer for dairy farmers. Watch the video above for more information...
When the reigning Reserve Grand Champion of the International Ayrshire Show strutted onto the purple shavings at the 2021 World Dairy Expo, it was clear the 9-year-old cow wasn’t going to settle...
Compared to our beloved dairy cows, I rarely give compliments to the other large animals — the equines — that our vet team commonly encounters in our daily travels
Food safety is a major concern for the consumer. As veterinarians, we prescribe and dispense most medicines, and we have a responsibility to ensure that our farmer clients and their employees the correct...
Feed costs — especially corn grain — have risen substantially this year. Maximizing the nutritional value of homegrown forages is always a top priority for profitable dairy farming
The new school year is in session, and for millions of students, that means the return of nutritious breakfasts and lunches served in their cafeterias after a year and a half of mostly learning