When I was 8 years old, a tiny, premature calf was born that I absolutely fell in love with. Her body was somewhat average in size, but her legs were short and stubby
The Federal Milk Marketing Order system serves as a rulebook for buyers and sellers of milk, reminded Erin Taylor on the April 7 Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream
Policymaking in Washington, D.C., often occurs at a snail’s pace. This holds especially true early in the year when new staff are being hired, alliances are being formed, and lawmakers are testing...
In the 1960s a statewide milk income pooling plan was adopted in California because the state was not eligible to be part of the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) program since geographic isolation meant...
As of 2017, nearly 300,000 acres of cover crops were planted across New York state. That’s 7% of the state’s total cropland, and that land number continues to grow
The Senate this week confirmed Katherine Tai as the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), helping the nation advance its trade agenda and creating opportunities for dairy to expand its own markets worldwide
A combination of factors contributes to high-quality milk, but for New York dairy farmer Jim Davenport, he believes a low somatic cell count begins at the teat level
For those who closely follow dairy product pricing, monitoring CME movement, and particularly the block and barrel cheese prices, is a critical component of their sales planning
Whether your dairy farm is staffed entirely by family, brings in a few outside workers, or employs dozens of people, providing a safe, desirable work environment is key to making sure you have people to...
I believe that education is the nucleus of the specialty cheese market. It is a world that is still surrounded by an air of mystery, and in fact, somewhat intimidating to many people
Whether it’s extreme heat in the summer, extended rainy periods in the spring, or plummeting temperatures in the winter, weather dictates every animal’s needs and a farmer’s daily routine