As high-quality milk produced in a sustainable way is growing in demand from consumers, more milk buyers are adopting methods to help their farmers meet that need
Many common practices on dairy farms are subject to criticism by consumers and other stakeholders. During the webinar, von Keyserlingk will review approaches that have created concern in the past and discuss...
The math of profits is straightforward . . . profits equal total revenues minus total costs. Of course, there are many layers that lie behind this simple formula. The first layer being that
Animal activists are once again using legislation in an attempt to push their agenda, and this time it’s gaining broader attention as it aims to criminalize such common and necessary livestock practices...
“Beef production from Holstein steers has been a natural by-product or co-product of milk production,” said University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Dan Schaefer during the May Hoard’s...
In the 19 years prior to 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, the monthly difference between Class III and Class IV prices had exceeded $5 per hundredweight (cwt.) on only six occasions
Of course, cows do not talk to us in the literal sense. Instead, your herd figuratively speaks to you and your advisers through production trends and other quantifiable herd tendencies
The season for harvesting small grain silage is fast approaching. In some parts of the U.S., small grain silage may already be fermenting in the storage structure
Just days into his administration, President Biden signed an executive order to rejoin the Paris Agreement in a move that exemplifies a ramping up of climate change mitigation efforts at the international,...