Planting and growing an alfalfa-grass mix is really a two prong question. Does it work from an agronomic aspect? How will the cows respond when putting milk into the bulk tank?
Grocery store customers rarely see the fluctuations in prices for their milk, cheese, butter, and other dairy products that dairy farmers experience in their payment prices
The Senate this week confirmed Katherine Tai as the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), helping the nation advance its trade agenda and creating opportunities for dairy to expand its own markets worldwide
We’ve seen firsthand over the past year that disease is anything but simple. While we’ve been experiencing it for ourselves, the same is true for illnesses in our dairy animals
With a heightened focus on health and wellness, establishing healthy eating patterns is more important than ever. Good health begins during pregnancy, and research is emphasizing the role nutrition plays
Assigning, analyzing, and performing activity analysis allows farmers understand their detailed loading and mixing feed costs, said Jason Karszes of PRO-DAIRY
For New York dairy farmer Jim Davenport, a hoe is one of the most important tools on his dairy. It helps him maintain a 33,583 cells per milliliter (mL) average annual somatic cell count (SCC)
U.S. cheesemakers experienced a similar breakthrough at the 2019 World Cheese Awards when our cheesemakers claimed 131 medals. But our disruptive moment came when — for the first time — a U.S....
Plant-based dairy imitators may seem like they’re everywhere, but in reality, their market impact is small compared to the sales giant that is real dairy
Researchers at Cornell University performed studies on how corn hybrid type impacted kernel processing, and they found the factors that had the biggest influence were ear-to-stover ratio and ear dry matter
The dairy industry continues to walk a tightrope between dairy product demand and milk supplies.When supplies outpace dairy product demand, the industry experiences low milk prices
If we hear a farmer talk about their “employees” or their “workforce,” it might be easy to think that the farm is a large operation where multiple or maybe even dozens of people...
As I contemplated this review of forage dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD), I was taken back 40 years to a time when I had recently stepped into the arena of dairy nutrition
A combination of factors contributes to high-quality milk, but for New York dairy farmer Jim Davenport, he believes a low somatic cell count begins at the teat level
The Farm Workforce Modernization Act, bipartisan bill H.R. 1603, was reintroduced this week by Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) and Congressman Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.)
For those who closely follow dairy product pricing, monitoring CME movement, and particularly the block and barrel cheese prices, is a critical component of their sales planning