There are three national 4-H dairy contests held each year. The Junior Dairy Management contest held its 33th annual contest last week in Harrisburg, Penn
At the Charleville Show in Killarney, which is in the Republic of Ireland, teams judged as a team – not as individuals. Each team was given four placings cards (one for each class)...
We have done a few tours over the years for other dairy farmers, federal and state representatives, friends, and our own family. Up to this point, we have never really given tours to the public
World Dairy Expo 2019 is just around the corner and soon attendees and exhibitors will be collecting ‘Tools for Dairy’s Progress’ during the annual event
Dairymen and women know there’s always room for improvement on the farm. That concept of constantly improving is a key at Maddox Dairy in Riverdale, Calif., where consistency is the focus
The most important part of generating lots of views on YouTube is the content. Bad content or content that doesn't resonate with the YouTube audience will never work
So, you've got some great ideas about how to promote dairy products and dairy farming and you are ready to get involved, especially during June Dairy Month
Each year, we go through rain spells and dry spells, hot spells and cold spells. When it is cold, we are thinking about how nice hot weather would be, and when it is hot, we dream about how good that cold...
Last week, I was in one of our manufacturing plants changing a line over and one of the men, who was very much my senior, mentioned as he worked next to me that I was “tough.”
Guernseys were the foundational breed of the Hoard’s Dairyman herd when the farm was started by W.D. Hoard in 1899. More than a century later, in 2009, Jerseys were added to the herd,...
There are some things in life that leave a lasting impression. Moments and memories from childhood that stand out from the rest — even a simple image can return a flood of memories
In the chaos that is health and diet advice, it’s always good to be considered good, and fortunately, dairy products are often considered healthy for the body
We finally placed two robots in our new main robot barn this week. A little over two years ago at the Western Dairy Management Conference, I was sitting at a table talking to two dairymen from Wisconsin