Joseph Scimeca, Ph.D., senior vice president for regulatory and scientific affairs with the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) in Washington, D.C., gave video comments today to t
Stereotypes and preconceived notions are hard, aren’t they? Society, for whatever reason, wants to classify us. Separate us into groups that make sense
In 2019, Jeremy Daubert, Virginia Cooperative Extension agent in Rockingham County, was giving a workshop to producers on how to deal with the stressors of farm life. The challenges w
The release of the scientific report of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has brought predictable criticism from dairy’s detractors, annoyed that a high-nutrient f
There are two methods that could help generate genetic evaluations for lifetime economic merit. We could directly determine economic merit by tracking income and expenses for all cows. Keeping track of...
In a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer regarding trade negotiations between the governments of the United States and Kenya, the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) s
U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, reintroduced the Food Supply Protection Act with U.S
It’s that time of the year again: silage season. We just got through cutting all of the corn silage, and now we are getting equipment ready to harvest sorghum
From Fusarium in the field to Penicillium after harvesting, dairy cow feedstuffs, such as corn, are subject to mycotoxins at virtually every step from growth to harvesting, s
The National Association of Animal Breeders is pleased to announce Irma Vermeer as the Data Coordinator for NAAB. Irma began fulfilling her duties on the 27th of July. As Data Coordin
Public comments on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans Committee’s scientific report may be submitted until Aug. 13. It’s a great time for dairy voices to be heard, said Miquela Hanselman
We recently hosted dairy farmers from New York on our farm in Oregon. I had never met these farmers before, but we had been connected through the Guernsey breed