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July 30 2020
Not too long ago, I was inside sipping some ice tea and reading a book, when I paused, looked outside my kitchen window, and smiled
July 30 2020
Herd size often dictates how many pens of milking cows are on a farm, but if having multiple pens is an option, consider grouping cows by age
July 28 2020
Raising replacement heifers represents a significant investment, accounting for roughly 15–20% of expenses on the farm
July 28 2020
While June Dairy Month is now in the rearview mirror, some animal rights activist organizations will remain focused on the dairy industry
July 27 2020
Optimizing milk efficiency and component yield are very important to overall farm profitability. Both milk efficiency and component yield are greatly influenced by the rations fed
July 27 2020
Holstein Association USA recognized several Junior members who have bred and own exceptional Holstein cattle
July 24 2020
From nutritional specialty products to mineral feed additives, Phibro Animal Health Corporation is constantly evolving its robust portfolio of innovations to help improve dairy cow health and bo
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July 24 2020
The American Veal Association is celebrating the 10-year anniversary of its Statement of Principles, a document that established ethical standards and a code of conduct for the veal industr
July 22 2020
In a recent episode of the Dairy Stream podcast, award-winning Rosy-Lane Holsteins, which recently won the Outstanding Dairy Farm Sustainability Award, is featured for their innovative efforts.Dairy S
July 22 2020
Oh, Burger King . . . jumping on the three-wheeled, dilapidated, fake news bandwagon
July 21 2020
Minnesota Milk is responding to a solicitation for comments by the Minnesota Pollution Control Association (MPCA) by encouraging farmers to evaluate and comment on the 2021-2026 General National
July 21 2020
Summer seems to be the time when farm life can take its greatest toll on our physical and mental health
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July 20 2020
Despite the fact that we’re a dwindling part of the population (which is a tragedy through my 25-year-old eyes), I’m always thrilled to come across a fellow farm kid
July 16 2020
It is estimated that in the United States, environmental heat stress in cows costs the dairy industry more than $1.5 billion annually due to decreased milk production, impaired reproductive performance
July 16 2020
Through research and practical experience, we continue to learn more about the benefits of social housing for young dairy calves
July 15 2020
The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) released the following statement today in response to the federal Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) final scientific report
July 15 2020
The National Milk Producers Federation said it was pleased that the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s final report reaffirms dairy’s crucial role in a nutritious diet
July 15 2020
As the nation anticipates the celebration of National Ice Cream Day this Sunday, July 19, one of the country’s top ice cream manufacturers, Turkey Hill
July 15 2020
“How do you get through the days you don’t want to be at the dairy anymore?” I wasn’t even slightly surprised to get this question from a fellow dairy farmer on Instagram earlier...
Grilled Cheese Burrito2
July 14 2020
Thanks to dairy checkoff support, Taco Bell recently unveiled the Grilled Cheese Burrito, its cheesiest new offering of the year, and a Pineapple Whip Freeze beverage that contains real dairy.Mike Cir