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March 8 2018
My dad and I have been writing for the Hoard’s Dairyman blog together as a team for a while now
Feb. 28 2018
We all know that February through April is widely known as meeting season for most farmers. The business of the holiday season is over, but we’re not yet able to get in the fields
Feb. 6 2018
A legislative tour can shed light on farm issues for members of the legislature
Feb. 5 2018
The path to dairy farm ownership is not an easy one. For some families, the transfer of the dairy from one generation to the next can be filled with highs and lows
Feb. 1 2018
Applying for scholarships to assist in funding your efforts can be well worth the time put into filling out the applications
Jan. 29 2018
Flavor is the top driver of yogurt purchases, but health benefit is a close second
Jan. 5 2018
Have you checked out your farm on Google Maps and Google Earth? How does it look? What can people see?
Dec. 18 2017
It took my pal just one minute to call this past weekend to see if I could leave the farm to go horseback riding with him and his daughter
Dec. 11 2017
I am a huge fan of chocolate milk. White milk is good too, of course, but if I have a choice, I am going to pick chocolate nearly every time
Nov. 22 2017
Each time you ask your friends and family to #ThankAFarmer this holiday season, remember to be a #ThankfulFarmer, too
Oct. 26 2017
The most difficult parts of the internship process are identifying available internships and keeping track of application due dates
Sept. 22 2017
Wisconsin 4-H, Michigan State Ag Tech, Ohio State University, and Pennsylvania FFA each won their respective divisions at the All-American Dairy Judging Contest in Harrisburg, Penn
Intern 2017
Sept. 18 2017
Students interested in dairy and journalism are encouraged to apply for the 2018 Hoard’s Dairyman editorial internship
Aug. 31 2017
I knew this summer was going to be unique, but I didn’t know how much I would learn about myself and the agriculture industry along the way
Aug. 3 2017
We have some construction work going on at the farm, and a driver came out not long ago to deliver new pipes. He obviously was on a dairy for the first time
July 11 2017
At the end of June, I was presented with the opportunity to give testimony to the Oregon House of Representatives Agriculture Committee on the topic of technology
Rep Jody Hice
June 15 2017
A few months ago we had the opportunity to host our congressman, Representative Jody Hice, at our dairy farm. He had great questions about our operation
May 22 2017
As the old pop song goes, “You’ve got to know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away and know when to run.”
May 9 2017
Two recent experiences with rules and regulations made me realize how much government guidelines need to adapt to changing farming practices
April 4 2017
Do you know who your representatives are on the State and Federal level? If your answer to this question is no, do your industry a favor and Google them right now