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Sept. 5 2017
The end of summer is often signified in one big event for those of us in the livestock world…state fair. It is a time of fellowship and camaraderie based on the love of exhibiting our best cows
Sept. 1 2017
Life lessons, fun memories, and family traditions make the county fair a special place for many of us
Aug. 29 2017
People who grew up on dairy farms often mention their love for dairy cows, their passion for the dairy community, and their calling to work in dairy
Aug. 24 2017
We started chopping our corn silage July 20 this year and finished chopping August 18. It has definitely been one of the longest silage seasons I have ever encountered. We planted a good bit more corn
Aug. 17 2017
It’s not hard to persuade someone when you are face-to-face with them. They can see your smile, eyes, and body language, which gives them clues on whether or not they should trust you
Aug. 16 2017
Roughly twice a year our cows get scored based on how they look and last week was our turn
Aug. 7 2017
I’ve always been proud of where I came from. Growing up on a farm is a unique experience that not every child gets the opportunity to have
Aug. 2 2017
We can be brave. We can tell our side of the story despite the opposition they will inevitably throw at us
Aug. 1 2017
With each county fair, with each 4-H project, there are lessons learned . . . both for my children and for me
July 31 2017
How many hours a day are your cows not in their home pen? Taking a closer look into your milking herd’s daily schedule is an important management step
July 21 2017
Everybody loves a good road trip, and the Hoard’s Dairyman and Hay & Forage Grower editorial staffs are no different
July 19 2017
Music is a big part of my life. It can make or break a day for me. I listen to music every single day, and not just as background noise
little fingers
July 12 2017
Safety in the workplace is important for you, your animals, and your employees alike. Like many of you, my children often accompany me at work, and many times that means time in the milk barn
July 10 2017
If you told me when I was 9 years old that one day I would willingly get up in front of a crowd of hundreds, I would be shaking my head no
July 6 2017
Have you given a farm tour at your dairy lately? Why or why not? I love having visitors at our farm and would give tours every day if I could. But, I know not everyone shares this same level of enthusiasm
June 21 2017
Our society has become one that puts entertainment above almost everything else, so let’s use it to our advantage
June 20 2017
Hearing my 4-year-old daughter Daphne say the word “chrysalis” always makes me smile. First, because she so carefully articulates the word. Second, because I’m proud that she knows exactly...
Rep Jody Hice
June 15 2017
A few months ago we had the opportunity to host our congressman, Representative Jody Hice, at our dairy farm. He had great questions about our operation
June 14 2017
Farmers must make time, quality time, for the people who are most important
June 13 2017
Tomorrow, Little Farmer, our oldest son, “graduates” from kindergarten. We can officially say that we survived the first school year