The end of summer is often signified in one big event for those of us in the livestock world…state fair. It is a time of fellowship and camaraderie based on the love of exhibiting our best cows
We started chopping our corn silage July 20 this year and finished chopping August 18. It has definitely been one of the longest silage seasons I have ever encountered. We planted a good bit more corn
It’s not hard to persuade someone when you are face-to-face with them. They can see your smile, eyes, and body language, which gives them clues on whether or not they should trust you
Safety in the workplace is important for you, your animals, and your employees alike. Like many of you, my children often accompany me at work, and many times that means time in the milk barn
Have you given a farm tour at your dairy lately? Why or why not? I love having visitors at our farm and would give tours every day if I could. But, I know not everyone shares this same level of enthusiasm
Hearing my 4-year-old daughter Daphne say the word “chrysalis” always makes me smile. First, because she so carefully articulates the word. Second, because I’m proud that she knows exactly...
A few months ago we had the opportunity to host our congressman, Representative Jody Hice, at our dairy farm. He had great questions about our operation