The author is a third-generation dairy farmer from Oregon where she farms in partnership with her husband and parents. As a mother of three young boys who round out the family run operation as micro managers, Darleen blogs about the three generations of her family working together at Guernsey Dairy Mama. Abiqua Acres Mann's Guernsey Dairy is currently home to 90 registered Guernseys and recently transitioned to a robotic milking system.
June 25 2019
If there’s anything dairy farmers are very good at, it’s routine. It is our job to do the same job 365 days a year
June 11 2019
The last thing the dairy industry needed while it’s down is an abuse video . . . but that’s exactly what we got
May 28 2019
Comparison is the thief of joy. Let’s enjoy the gifts of this dairy lifestyle
May 14 2019
If the last couple of years have taught us anything, it's that we don't know anything
April 30 2019
There are some things in life that leave a lasting impression. Moments and memories from childhood that stand out from the rest — even a simple image can return a flood of memories
April 16 2019
It doesn't really feel like spring has truly arrived yet. Here in the Northwest, we just enjoyed one of the wettest weeks of weather in a long time while the Midwest and East dealt with yet another dose...
April 2 2019
My daffodils are fully blooming in the yard and baseball practice starts today. Ready or not, it’s safe to say that spring has finally arrived
March 19 2019
I’ll be honest, it’s been hard to find inspiration to put words to my blogs
March 5 2019
We live in the day and age of social media. Something that was just getting started a decade ago, is now a major part of our daily lives
Feb. 19 2019
Coming off of the beginning of the year that seemed to have 400 days in just one month, I've seen far too many posts from farmers feeling the weight of winter going on into February
Feb. 5 2019
There is no doubt that the outlook for milk prices is not looking great for this next year. While many big factors play a roll in the final price, one can't be denied
Jan. 22 2019
It’s fun to watch your children’s interests develop as they grow. They each dive into areas that spark that enjoyment in life
Jan. 8 2019
I know New Year's Day is just another day, but there’s just something about that new number that makes it feel different. It makes it feel like a fresh start, and we could use that for 2019
Dec. 11 2018
As the industry we love looks to head into yet another difficult year, it’s hard not to be frustrated
Nov. 27 2018
Thanksgiving is always one of my favorites holidays. It’s a time to gather with family and friends, enjoy delicious food, and really take the time to be thankful for all that we have
HD Notebook App
Nov. 13 2018
We use technology so often on our farms now that I'm always left wondering what the next best things will be
Oct. 30 2018
There are some seasons in life that just seem busier then others. On the farm, it’s almost year-round with spring planting, fall harvest, packed summer months, and braving winter's challenges
Darleens farm
Oct. 16 2018
My husband and I live a very unique lifestyle that allows us to include our children in our work
Sept. 18 2018
There’s only ever 24 hours in a day, but my goodness how nice it would be to add a few more hours on those days when we need them!
Sept. 4 2018
As summer draws to a close and the air starts to turn crisp, Fairs across the country bring the summer season to close. There’s a certain feeling that just seems to surround “show season