How many people have you heard utter that sentence? I feel like once a day someone in my vicinity says it out loud. Imagine it, your perfect vacation. Maybe it’s a sandy beach at some fancy re
Our son started Kindergarten a few weeks ago, and this transition has been an exciting time in our home. There are some aspects that have made our daily routines simplified (hello uniforms!) and
At the Charleville Show in Killarney, which is in the Republic of Ireland, teams judged as a team – not as individuals. Each team was given four placings cards (one for each class)...
“As someone who spent quite a bit of time in the hospital receiving lifesaving treatments multiple times before the age of four, I’ve always had a sincere sense of gratitude towards others...
We are less than one month from opening the robots to the "feed only" phase to prepare for milking. We have had several meetings getting our minds right and schedules put together for the startup of our...
The Woodmansee family has been recognized as Premier Breeder at the Eastern States Exposition seven times since 1989. They have partnered on cattle that have won the New York Spring Show, Eastern Stat
Who are you more apt to listen to? Your peer — A person who is going through the same experience as you, who is the same age as you, and who worries about that same things as you. Someone you don’t...
Earlier this summer, I was on a search to find the right clipper blades. This challenge reminded me once again that the dairy business has changed, and that holds true in the showing world, too